
Print Share Withdrawal, Loan, Accounts Payable, Official Checks and Money Orders. Create images that may be archived and electronically sign checks, based on your credit union's criteria
eChecks can accommodate any Core Application. Access to system controls to update signatures, logos and account numbers, etc.
Indexing to allow for real-time update to your optical system.
A record of each check printed for research and retrieval.
The entire check, including logo and MICR information, will be formatted automatically. Print to any printer on your network, including inkjet printers as well as laser printers. Access to eCheck to print starter and temporary checks and deposit slips.
Real-Time Check Register

Access and display a copy of printed checks. Displayed checks can be watermarked with "COPY" for security purposes. PDF images of checks may be exported, with indices, to your Document Archival Application.
Control Your Environment
Application parameters may be accessed to update logos, assign printers, change account numbers or signatures, and define archival indices.

Design Your Check Formats

Regardless of how your core displays your checks, eChecks allows you to format your checks to your specifications. Individual formats may be defined for Share Withdrawals, Loan Disbursal, Accounts Payable, Money Orders, etc.
Archival indices can be defined that will appear as a file name for the PDF image, a related text file or as a "Ghost Script", which defines the index as a text line in an invisible font that can't be seen, but can be read by the Archival Application.