eBalancing offers additional modules to aid the credit union with operational functions that the credit unions require .​
eBalancing reads your Teller Totals Report, and displays Teller, ATM and Vault cash totals. It then compares those total to corresponding totals from your General Ledger Report.
Share Draft
eBalancing reads the total from Your Corporate report, then itemizes and sums totals from your Core System. including Loan Drafts posted, Share Drafts posted and Share Drafts returned. All totals are then compared to the relevant General Ledger totals.
This module uses a number of different reports and provides information in formats for PSCU and Fiserv. It accounts for Business Day Totals and Network Day Totals.
First, the module reads data from your Corporate Report, and compares it to your ACH Settlement Report. It then takes into account ACH exceptions and you General Ledger history. Further it allow you to make manual entries of items not available on a report.