
Using an Account Chart which relates your General Ledger accounts to your Loan account types, OnCore Balancing builds a detailed list of each type and sums the balances, then compares the cumulative balance to the related General Ledger total.
First a summary of all related General Ledger accounts is presented that shows each Geneeral Ledger account and the related loan types. If the account is in balance, a is \ displayed, if not, a is displayed.

By clicking the Detail button, the display will be chaged to show the share account details associated the each General Ledger account.

Each time the Balancing report is run a history record is created, including the source report used. The history record is maintained indefinately, and can de very valuable for reference and for complying to audit requests.
The source reports are available in history, and can be input in a variety of formats, including PDF, Text, CSV, or Excel.